Friday, May 24, 2013

About persons country code in Patstat

One of the most important piece of information about inventors and applicant is the country code.

This code is copied from the 'standard' DOCDB table and added to the 'bypass' data, matching on the application id of authority, number and kind code and inventor sequence number or applicant sequence number.

In october 2012 ediction, only 50% of country-codes are present. In future versions , EPO promises to be able to fill the missing codes.

Note that the EPO does not receive the Country Code value with the Japanese data which is loaded into DOCDB; for this reason there are no PERSON_CTRY_CODEs in PATSTAT for Japanese documents.

Anyway EPO states 'country code does not necessarily indicate the "Nationality" of inventor or applicant'.

Looking into TLS206_ASCII  table, that is a separate table for inventors and applicants data, we may also find two pieces of information who are not provided in standard data, named as nationality and residence.

Unfortunately out of 41.478.407 persons in oct. 2012 ediction, only 3.248.663 have either a non blank nationality or residence (most of them come from USPTO application authority).
Even worse, only 350 records out of those with a non blank nationality or residence show a value different from PERSON_CTRY_CODE, making that piece of information unreliable. 


Unknown said...

Hi. I'm starting now to use large datasets for patent data and I'm quite lost. I think that to use NBER dataset is easier but there are some information that I only can find on PATSTAT. Is there a way to match NBER dataset with PATSTAT?
Thank you very much.

Juliana Pavan

GL said...

you may try by publication number to match patent data, being aware that data may be snapshot taken in different timeframes.
For inventors and applicants, you may try by publication number and name but is a very hazardous exercise....

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